About Veterans Nexcare

Founded in 2022, Veterans Nexcare is a community outreach program based in Jacksonville Florida working to primarily address the mental health needs of veterans who are suffering from secondary conditions related to their service connected injury. Even though we are based in Jacksonville Florida, any veteran residing within the continental US can seek our services and support.

We do not solely serve veterans with traumatic noise exposure. However,  according to VA Health Services Research & Development, more than 35,500 veterans were assessed for auditory processing dysfunction across the VA health care system; just over 2,000 received a diagnosis of central auditory processing disorder. For us, this is not acceptable! 

Veterans who are suffering the psychological effects of  PTSD, traumatic noise exposure, or other service connected injuries may manifest symptoms such as increased physiologic stress response, adverse social consequences, sleep disturbance, and detrimental economic effects. 

PTSD and/or Traumatic noise exposure can cause:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Inability to stay asleep
  • Waking too early
  • Concentration issues
  • Decreased cognitive
  • performance
  • Distorted hearing (Paracusis)

Are you ready to get the help you deserve? 

Frequently Asked Questions

This service is provided for free as long as there is funding available to cover the services provided by our professionals.

Our program receives funding from grants and contributions made by Nexcare Patrons. You can become a Nexcare Patron by donating to our program at any time. Nexcare Patrons enable us to expedite mental health assessments.  

Typically, it takes 5 business days to review your paperwork. To initiate the processing, we first need to confirm the availability of funds to cover the services. If there is funding available, your paperwork will be expedited. If there is no funding at the moment, one of our team members will contact you and place your case in a processing queue. Cases in the queue are processed in the order they were received.

Yes. In order to properly understand how your condition is impacting your health, you will need to meet with our licensed medical professional.

Grants and donations usually cover the cost of a single therapy session. If therapist deems that more sessions are needed, you’ll work out the details directly with your therapist. You’ll pay the therapist directly for any extra sessions, and there won’t be any extra charges from us.

No. We can actually help with numerous issues related to the injuries you sustained while serving.

Yes. If you would like to donate to help the next veteran in the cue, then we will expedite the processing of your case at no additional cost to you, excluding any additional therapy sessions. Veterans Nexcare is a pay-it-forward program. Generosity is encouraged and rewarded.

Tell other veterans about us. Encourage people to donate to our program. The more people donate, the more veterans we can help!